Saturday 26 May 2012

Back to Work

     I missed posting this week but that's because I was busy starting my job for the summer! In addition to working as a substitute teacher, on an as needed basis, as well as a cashier at a local gas bar I am also working full time as a Child Development Worker through the government of Manitoba. Since all provincial programs are different, here is how ours is set up.

Children's disability services, manitoba government, programs for students with disabilities
Check out their phamplet to learn more.
For the past four summers I have been employed through Children’s disABILITY Services (formally Children's Special Services) developing and administering effective programs for children diagnosed with a disability. The position is two-fold. For the first two months of employment I am responsible for effectively reviewing my 6-8 assigned case files and meeting with parents/guardians, school officials and necessary healthcare professionals. From the information obtained through these meetings a program is then developed and tailored to the individual child’s needs and abilities to ensure a positive developmental, social and/or physical goal is met by summer’s end. Once the child is out of school for the summer, the last two months of employment are spent administering the program in the child’s home community.  Through this position I have worked closely with several schools in and around our region, sitting in on classes and IEPs (Individual Education Plan), as well as actively participating with Resource Teachers in efforts to accommodate the child. Essentially we set up programs to ensure that students do not regress or lose the skills they worked on during the school year.

     This year I have seven students that I am working with that will require me to drive anywhere from thirty minutes to over an hour to administer the program in their home communities once school is out. I feel quite lucky because one year I had one student one hour drive to the east and another student one hour drive to the west so it was a lot of driving!

     I strongly feel that my position as a Child Development Worker has helped me to be more prepared to assist my future students who may have a disability. I really enjoy the fact that I can find a summer position that allows me to still work with students and do some of the same things I do when I am in the classroom.

1 comment:

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